While reading your text, I asked myself: Is the junkie. Ronk’n’roller now a thing / character of the past? After Pete Doherty, has there been anybody filling these shoes? Where are the crack / meth / fentanyl equivalent “tortured geniuses”? Do you have any general thoughts on this (no need to name names)? Thank you! (Great tect and initial illustration!)
Damn, Joe! This is great! This is exactly why we do Substack! Thank you -- the most thoughtful read on Thunders I've seen in years!
Thanks so much, my friend!
I just watched What About Me on the Criterion Channel. (The version on Tubi features director’s commentary so you miss most the dialogue. )
All I can say is Wow! Both Thunders and Hell play such sweet, sympathetic characters.
Thanks, Joe!
Glad to have turned you onto it, Steve! And yeah, i've revised my piece to make mention of the special edition on Tubi, thanks.
This is gorgeous writing, and really evokes the side of Johnny that everyone could see but usually forgot was there. Thank you.
Thanks so much, Amy!
While reading your text, I asked myself: Is the junkie. Ronk’n’roller now a thing / character of the past? After Pete Doherty, has there been anybody filling these shoes? Where are the crack / meth / fentanyl equivalent “tortured geniuses”? Do you have any general thoughts on this (no need to name names)? Thank you! (Great tect and initial illustration!)